Join us for “Paper City Talent Show,” a vibrant community talent show brought to you by Nueva Esperanza Inc and Star Dancers Unity, with generous financial sponsorship from Casella Waste Services. This unique collaboration between an organization and a business is dedicated to fostering unity within our community and showcasing the remarkable hidden talents that reside within our city.
We invite you to be a part of this extraordinary event, whether as a participant showcasing your talents or as an enthusiastic spectator. “Paper City Talent Show” is set to be an unforgettable evening filled with exceptional performances and a celebration of the rich tapestry of talents in our city.

What can you expect at our talent show?
Diverse Acts: We welcome a wide range of talents, from singers and dancers to musicians, comedians, magicians, and more. If you’ve got a talent, we want to see it!
Esteemed Judges: Our panel of three special judges will bring their expertise to the table, making the tough decisions and providing valuable feedback to our participants.
Cash Prizes: We’ll be awarding cash prizes to our top three winners, with the first-place winner taking home $1000, $500 for Second Place, $250 for Third Place. But that’s not all—there will be additional prizes for outstanding performances in various categories.
Community Pride: This event is not just about winning; it’s about coming together as a community to support and uplift one another. “Paper City Talent Show” is an opportunity for everyone to shine and make Holyoke proud.
So, whether you’re a gifted performer or an eager spectator, mark your calendar for an evening of talent, creativity, and unity. Let’s showcase the incredible talents of Holyoke and make this event a resounding success! We can’t wait to see you there.
Paper City Talent Show – Auditions
Auditions: Saturday, November 18, 2023 (10AM-5:30PM) at Holyoke High School Auditorium.
Registration Deadline: November 15th, 2023
Please review the available slots and sign up for Auditions at, and make sure to Download, Print, Fill Out, the attached application and submit to Nueva Esperanza.
Mail/Drop Off: 401 Main Street, Holyoke MA 01040
Email: ~ Phone: 413-437-7666
Please note the following:
- To participate in the Paper City Talent Show, you must be a resident of Holyoke (proof of address will be required).
- You will have a maximum of 9 minutes to set up (3min), audition (3min), and breakdown (3min).
- This event is open to all ages, and any safe and appropriate act will be allowed.
- If you are 12 years old and under, you will need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- You will be contacted via email and phone if you passed auditions.
- You will perform the act you auditioned with at our final event on December 16th.
- There will be five judges at our final event.
- Categories being judged: Showmanship/Entertainment Value, Creativity/Originality, Preparation/Aesthetic Appeal, and Overall Impression/Audience Appeal.
- Prizes include $1,000 for the First Place winner, $500 for Second Place, $250 for Third Place and additional prizes for outstanding performances in various categories.
- Everyone participating will be required to sign a waiver.
- You will be required to attend a rehearsal on Friday, December 15, 2023.
- We encourage good sportsmanship, cooperation and respect.
- Please read the attached documents/application for more details on the winner’s commitments following the main event.
We look forward to seeing you there!